to reduce
your fears?
Most people carry around a fear of certain things or events. Be it the fear of illness, loss, snakes, spiders or even the upcoming visit to the dentist – these fears and phobias block us and impair our quality of life.
How nice it would be to simply go through life without wasting thoughts on future anxiety-laden situations.
Dr. Harry Imberg, a dentist with many years of experience, has seen that we can overcome our fears with the appropriate support and boost our self-confidence in the long term. Hypnosis can work wonders, especially when it comes to fear of the dentist (dental phobia).
With the self-hypnosis audiobook “Angstfrei durchs Leben” (Fearless through life) by Dr. Harry Imberg, you now have an aid for self-hypnosis for private use at home.
Self-help against anxiety
Even the strong Konrad and his girlfriend Luzie are plagued by different fears. But together, through hypnosis, they find a way to greater self-confidence and to free themselves from their fears. An audiobook with instructions on self-hypnosis is exactly the right solution for them.
See for yourself:
Dr. Harry Imberg on his self-hypnosis audiobook “Angstfrei durchs Leben” (Fearless through life)
Fear of the dentist takes many forms: fear of the dentist, fear of the treatment and the – often presumed – pain associated with it, fear of injections or the drilling noises. The thought of going to the dentist alone leads to sweating, sleep disorders or even heart palpitations in many people. Prophylaxis as well as attending regular check-ups or having necessary tooth repair work done are then often put on the backburner – with serious consequences, not only for oral and dental health. The psyche also takes a hit – out of shame over our neglected teeth.
„For many years, I have been running a much loved dental practice in Lower Saxony, and over the years, I have met many people who put their fears above their own health.“
As a certified hypnotherapist and experienced dentist, I have been able to help many patients find the strength to overcome their fears. Based on my knowledge and practical experience, I have developed a highly effective method of self-hypnosis that helps you overcome your fear of the dentist – for a healthy mouth and a healthy life.
By using self-hypnosis, you train your subconscious to recognise and eliminate unfounded fears. In this way, you strengthen your self-confidence and your ability to take care of your own well-being. This helps in many situations – not only at the dentist.
Yours, Dr. Harry Imberg
About the author:
Dr. med. dent. Harry Imberg is a certified hypnotherapist.
Hypnosis provides a way to get in direct contact with our subconscious. This is the place where our thinking, acting and feeling are significantly influenced, which make up our personality. Through hypnosis, we can exert a positive influence in order to effectively dissolve burdening fears and unconscious blocks in the long term.
Self-hypnosis provides us with an excellent tool for improving different areas of our personal lives. Be it the improvement of health, dealing with stress or even driving away fears and phobias.
Verbal key messages and special formulations, so-called suggestions, make it possible to reach the subconscious in the best possible way. In this way, subconscious thought structures can be positively influenced.
The self-hypnosis audiobook “Angstfrei durchs Leben” (Fearless through life) by Dr. Harry Imberg uses this route and helps you to free yourself from your fears.